Bernice Wright
Excerpt from Staff Advisory Council Newsletter Fall Edition 1987 Heading link

This award is presented each year to recognize employees for outstanding “Distinguished Civil Service.” Out of twenty nominations, Bernice Wright was chosen for the award. Yes, you did read her name before as a Civil Service Merit Board election winner.
Along with being a member of the State University’s Civil service Advisory Committee, Bernice Wright is an active member of many University of Illinois committees. The Nonacademic Advisory Committee to the Designated Employer and the Vice Chancellor’s Ad Hoc Committee on Black Professional Affairs are examples of two such committees. Bernice Wright has also served as a Union Steward and Union Delegate. She is very active in the community and has participated and assisted in the planning of employee social activities.
Through all of her accomplishments she has shown dedication to her fellow employees and a caring attitude for their needs and concerns. Bernice will be honored at a special catered luncheon in December.