Notice of Election: State Universities Civil Service Advisory Committee Heading link

To Employees Served by the State Universities Civil Service System:
Notice is hereby given of an election of one member from the University of Illinois Chicago to the State Universities Civil Service Advisory Committee to the Merit Board of the State Universities Civil Service System. The election will be held on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. The position will fill term of office beginning January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028.
The election will be held via electronic ballot on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 from 12:00am until 11:59pm. Paper ballots will be available in the UIC HR Welcome Center, 715 S. Wood Street, Room 109, from 8:00am until 5:00pm on October 15th for those employees who are unable to vote electronically or wish to vote via paper ballot. More detailed voting information will be distributed to Civil Service employees prior to the date of the election.
Article II, Sec. IV, #9 By-laws, State Universities Civil Service Advisory Committee. “Any Civil Service Employee, excluding temporary, provisional, student and extra help, at a place of employment, who is currently employed as of the date of the election, shall be granted the time to vote without loss of time or pay.”
Electronic versions of the Nominating Petition and Statement of Candidacy forms will be available on the Staff Advisory Council and UIC Human Resources’ websites beginning Friday, September 13, 2024. A second communication will be sent next Friday with links to the forms.
A Nominating Petition must include the legible signatures of at least 25 active Civil Service employees. Petitions and Statement of Candidacy forms must be returned via email to balmes@uic.edu no later than 5:00pm on Friday, September 20, 2024. Only candidates who have filed completed Petition and Statement of Candidacy forms will appear on the ballot. Write-in candidates will not be recognized. An official election will not be necessary if the total number of petitions filed equals the number of slots to be filled.
To be eligible for nomination and election to membership, a Civil Service employee must be a certified status employee at UIC or the Colleges of Medicine at Peoria or Rockford. Employees must have at least three years of consecutive Civil Service employment at UIC or at any other Illinois institution served by the State Universities Civil Service System.
Questions regarding the election or eligibility can be directed to Susan Balmes-Young in UIC Human Resources at balmes@uic.edu.
Susan Balmes-Young
UIC Human Resources