Janice Watkins Award 1982 Article
Three nonac employees to get Janice Watkins service award
Nonacademic employees are an integral part of the university. Their duties, besides a large amount of paperwork, include food service, utility service, health service, landscaping, safety, repair work and much more.
On Dec. 10 three nonacademic employees will receive the Janice Watkins Distinguished Civil Service Award.
Nominations for the award were solicited in January. The nominations and letters of support were reviewed by a screening committee consisting of nonacademics, the Nonacademic Employees' Council, director of Personnel and the vice chancellor for administration.
This year's Janice Watkins Award winners are Sharon Coleman (College of Education), William Ross (Physical Plant) and Joyce Rozwadowski (Psychology).
Coleman has been employed at the university for eight years. She is currently a Secretary Transcriber in the College of Education. Coleman serves as President of the Nonacademic Employees' Council, a member of the Employees' Advisory Committee, and members of the Chancellor's Search Committee.
Coleman was nominated for the work she is doing for the College of Education's off-campus program. Her contributions to this program help promote the effective interaction of members of the university community in accomplishing their individual goals.
Ross is an electrician in the Physical Plant Department. He has served as a past present of the Employees' Council, an elected representative to the Advisory Board of the State University Retirement System, a member of the Search Committee that brought former President Corbally to the University of Illinois and as editor of the employees' newsletter "Around the Circle." He is also a member of the Employees' Advisory Committee.
Ross initiated suggestions to help handicapped employees and students that have become reality.
Rozwadowski is presently employed in the Department of Psychology as an administrative aide.
For the last two years, Rozwadowski has served in an exemplary fashion on the LAS Nonacademic Advisory Committee. This committee advises the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences on all matters relating to nonacademic staff in the College. As a member of the committee, her contributions have been part of policy decisions in areas such as the distribution of funds for superior performance increases and reclassifications in the College.