Mamie Gray Heading link
Position: Administrative Secretary
Department: Communications
Mamie Gray has worked at UIC for over 20 years. Her duties include organizing graduate applications, monitoring the budget and providing general services for faculty and students. She is active in the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women, producing a monthly newsletter that highlights women’s accomplishments and activities on campus. She performs excellently and is proactive. During her free time, Gray teaches ceramics and clay art to children and seniors at the WACA/Victory Club.
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Without exception, Mamie has been a model of caring and compassion, of willingness and cooperation, of assistance well beyond the call of duty.
Academic Adviser for the Communication Department|
Gwendolyn Haney Heading link
Position: Manager of the Dean’s Office
Department: College of Pharmacy
Gwendolyn Haney began at UIC in 1974 as a clerk typist II. In 1992, she went to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Services, but she returned to pharmacy in 1999. Her duties include serving as a mentor to other support staff new on campus and providing invaluable career development skills. She is energetic and a positive role model to all. In her free time, she volunteers at Salem Baptist Church, tutors children in reading and math, works on the legislative committee, and is president, secretary and treasurer of the PTA.
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She is applauded for her patience, her dedication and commitment, her cooperativeness and helpfulness, her strong work ethic, her informativeness, her problem-solving skills and her long-term loyalty to the university.
Director of Urban Health Program|
Matthildur Kelley Heading link
Position: Outreach Worker
Department: Community Outreach Intervention Projects in the School of Public Health
Matthildur Kelley is an educator, career woman and caretaker. She joined UIC in 1988, becoming an outreach worker with the Community Outreach Intervention Projects in the School of Public Health. She would reach out to addicts on the streets of Chicago, educating users about HIV/AIDS. She would also supervise the project’s Uptown site, training other case managers, and was eventually promoted to become the project’s first quality assurance coordinator. She would train and work with staff at five storefront field stations, a motor home and a mobile van unit. Her work here at UIC has had a lasting impact, with her empathy and understanding for others.
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No ‘shooting gallery’ was too filthy, no abandoned building too dangerous and no alley too forbidding for Matta to enter in hopes of helping the people she would find there.
Director of the Outreach Project|