UIC SAC Newsletter December 2021

"A support for Civil Service Employees"
December 2021 Newsletter PDF
COVID-19 Booster Shots Heading link
On December 6th, the University of Illinois System announced that it is highly recommended to receive a COVID-19 booster shot as soon as one becomes eligible. This comes from the CDC urging all adults 18 and older to receive the booster shot.
Despite the need for boosters, it is important to emphasize that the vaccines are working. With new variants circulating around the world, protection has become reduced against mild and moderate illness, but the boosters are meant to counteract this.
If you received the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, you will become eligible to receive the booster at least 6 months after receiving your second dose of your primary COVID-19 vaccination series. IF you received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you will become eligible to receive the booster at least 2 months after receiving your initial vaccine. Regardless of your initial vaccine, the CDC is allowing for a mix and match doing for booster shots.
To schedule your booster shot appointment, please use MyChart. If you cannot schedule the appointment through there, you may call 833.53.MYVAX to schedule an appointment.
COVID-19 Omicron Variant Heading link
Late November, the World Health Organization announced that the COVID-19 Omicron variant was a cause for concern. It has spread all across the country, making its presence known.
It is important to get vaccinated if you haven’t done so already, as well as receive your booster shot if eligible. With the holidays approaching, precautions must be taken with indoor gatherings and travel. Continue to mask indoors and maintain appropriate distance from others.
It is still too early to compare this variant to the Delta variant; however, it shares the characteristic that it can spread the virus to others, regardless of vaccination status and symptoms presented.
On Dec.20, UIC announced that the rapid increase in cases will result in the spring semester starting with online instruction. More information will be provided soon.
Employee Relations and Pre-Disciplinary Meetings Heading link
Unfortunately, sometimes civil service employees may find themselves dealing with disciplinary actions due to behavior, job performance, etc. It is important to know what to expect and that discipline is meant to correct the behavior rather than punish a behavior.
Depending on the situation, a pre-disciplinary action meeting may be necessary for the employee to present his or her side of the matter prior to suspension. The employee will have a right to representation at the meeting which is conducted by a Labor and Employee Relations Officer. The charges will be discussed, and the department will determine the appropriate measures to take regarding the disciplinary action.
You may contact Labor/Employee Relations Officers for more information.