UIC SAC Newsletter July 2021
"A support for Civil Service Employees"
July 2021 Newsletter PDF
In This Issue Heading link
Remote Work Policy
Learn more about telecommuting and remote work.
Learn about the steps you need to take for essential business travel.
SAC Professional Development
Learn about improving your knowledge and job skills.

Back on Campus for Fall 2021 Heading link
Students will be returning to campus for the Fall 2021 campus, something we’ve all been anticipating. Significant plans are being put in place for a safe return.
Although most students will be on campus, all courses with more than 100 students will be online to ensure a safe environment with adequate distancing. Some courses may even alternate students throughout the week.
Currently, 6-feet social distancing is mandatory, but there are plans to shorten this distance to 3-feet in the near future. Markings will be made on seats in classrooms at 6-foot intervals, as well as 3-foot intervals for when the protocol changes.
Everyone will still be required to wear masks indoors. To ensure masks do not hinder professors, plexiglass shields will be purchased for faculty so they can take off their masks in lecture halls.
Great hygiene will still be emphasized, with sanitation stations located where necessary. It is recommended for all students and staff to carry a personal hand sanitizer as well.
Regarding elevators, the University is relying on self-compliance. Signage and floor markings will be added to ensure distancing. Where possible, alternate entrances and exits will be identified; however, buildings such as University Hall do not have this option.
All of this is subject to change as people continue to get vaccinated and public health improves.
Traveling Heading link
Now that a large portion of Americans are vaccinated, the CDC has approved domestic and international travel. Regardless of where an employee is going, they must notify the campus for guidance on testing and quarantine on return. Requirements will differ depending on location.
There is an approval process for essential business travel, requiring a form to be completed. It is recommended to submit the form no more than 3 months prior and no less than one month prior to the anticipated travel. This will help guide pre-travel plans and any post testing/quarantine requirements as situations are constantly changing in other countries.
Although CDC has approved international travel for those who are fully vaccinated, 80% of countries outside of the United States are still considered Level 4 with high transmission rates. Essential travel is not advised to these countries. Personal travel is highly advised against for countries with a level 3 risk or higher.
The COVID-19 Travel Approval Form and more information can be found here.
Remote Work Policy Heading link

As our lives begin a slow return to normalcy, many positions will begin to return to on-campus work, if they hadn’t been already. It is important to recognize that many jobs cannot be performed remotely such as student facing, facilities related, etc. As we transition back to campus, new policy guides are being put in place for deans and vice chancellors to approve remote work; however, they do not apply to faculty.
One option is a rotational schedule where employees alternate in and out of the office. Another is short durations of remote work for emergent situations. Each vice chancellor and dean determine how this policy will be implemented for each of their units.
Some employees may come in before the Fall 2021 semester begins, dependent on your unit and position. Note that approval of a remote work schedule will be equitable for similarly situated employees at like jobs or responsibilities.
The policy also provides guidance on the establishment of employee work schedules that may scatter employee arrival and departure times and/or alternate days in the office to reduce density.
Forms will be provided with requirements and expectations if working from home. The University will provide supplies sufficient enough to allow you to work from home successfully, but telephone and internet services will not be provided.
More information can be found here.
SAC Professional Development Heading link
The SAC Professional Development Program is an educational program at UIC that will provide funding to Civil Service Employees.
It allows employees to build their knowledge and skills related to their current job responsibilities.
All participants will work with their supervisors and home units to select learning opportunities that can enhance their job performance.
Up to $500 of funding is offered per employee.
Applications are due August 27th at 5PM and can be found here.
Upcoming Meetings Heading link
July 20, 2021 |
August 17, 2021 |
September 21, 2021 |