UIC SAC Newsletter October 2021

"A support for Civil Service Employees"
October 2021 Newsletter
In This Issue Heading link
UIC COVID-19 Dashboard
Learn more about the current situation on campus.
Quarantine Procedures
Learn about the quarantine procedures.
Sexual Misconduct
Learn about University policies.
Virtual Town Hall Key Takeaways Heading link
On October 6th, 2021, Chancellor Michael D. Amiridis held a virtual Town Hall for all UIC faculty and staff. It was an excellent opportunity to ask University leadership questions regarding UIC’s fall 2021 COVID-19 response. The three main topics addressed were vaccinations, health/safety measures, and campus engagement.
UIC is proud to announce that nearly 96% of students and employees are vaccinated. Over 145,000 vaccines have been administered as well as 375,000 tests, aiding in our accomplishment of a positivity rate less than 0.6%. For those who are immunocompromised, COVID-19 booster vaccines are now available.
Since the campus reopened in August, campus cleaning standards and expectations have been increased so that all high traffic areas are cleaned daily. These areas include classrooms, restrooms, workspaces, offices, and break rooms. The overall ventilation rate for each building has also been increased, allowing students and employees to remain safe all semester.
Lastly, students have been engaging with the campus again while following appropriate COVID-19 protocols. To ensure there is adequate space for students in the winter, additional study spaces will be made available. UIC is optimistic about the future, expecting courses to be held in-person during the spring semester.
Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct Heading link
The University of Illinois System has put a statement on the System HR website regarding sex discrimination, sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct.
The University is committed to providing an education and work environment free of them and will impose appropriate sanction and actions to address misconduct.
You can find more information such as training and a reporting tool here.
COVID-19 Quarantine Procedures Heading link
With continuous updates regarding quarantine and isolation procedures, it can be confusing knowing what you’re supposed to do if exposed to COVID-19. It can differ due to vaccination status, travel locations, and more. You may find this information helpful.
If you experience a COVID-19 Exposure, regardless of vaccination status, stay home and report to UIC contact tracing for further guidance. Also, any out of state or country travel must be reported as well.
Use the online tool to report:
- COVID-19 symptoms.
- Having been exposed to a COVID-positive individual.
- Testing positive for COVID-19 anywhere but at UIC campus saliva testing, University Health Services or Student Health Services.
- Out of state or country travel.
You will be asked a few questions and be directed to the appropriate resource.